Vilsack Announces Committee to Explore Ways to Protect Iowa's Natural Resources

Date: Aug. 2, 2006
Location: Des Moines, IA
Issues: Conservative

Vilsack Announces Committee to Explore Ways to Protect Iowa's Natural Resources

DES MOINES — Governor Vilsack announced today the first meeting of a committee appointed to explore sustainable funding for natural resources in Iowa has been set for Wednesday, Aug. 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge near Prairie City.

"This process, while taking into account the progress we have already made, is much more about providing a brighter future for our children and grandchildren," Governor Vilsack said. "I'm looking forward to a very thorough, imaginative discussion on how to best invest in our natural resources and maximize the long-term potential for our state."

The Iowa Legislature called for creation of the committee during the last session. Specifically, the legislature is asking the committee to develop a report containing the following components: *

A sustainable funding plan for the conservation of Iowa's natural resources; *

A summary of sustainable funding initiatives implemented in surrounding states; *

The estimated revenue needed to implement the plan and accomplishments that would be achieved if it is implemented; and
An analysis of Iowan's willingness to pay for identified conservation actions.

The committee, as directed by the legislation, will be headed by DNR Director Jeff Vonk.

Reliable funding is essential to having sustainable natural resources for Iowa's current and future citizens, said Vonk.

"Conservation of Iowa's natural resources is vital to the long-term success of our state. Iowa's history revolves around the rich and abundant natural resources here and conservation of those resources are as critical to our future as they have been to our past. I am confident that this process will highlight that investment in our natural resources can produce a positive economic return to Iowans and help maintain to our already high quality of life," said Vonk.

The committee is comprised of representatives from both houses and both parties of the Legislature, Conservation Districts of Iowa, Ducks Unlimited, Farmers Union, Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards, Iowa Environmental Council, Iowa Farm Bureau, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, Izaak Walton League of Iowa, Pheasants Forever, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the Sierra Club and The Nature Conservancy.

The committee meeting is open to the public.
