Gov. Rounds Proclaims Sept. 24 – 30 as National Employ Older Workers Week

Date: Sept. 22, 2006
Location: Pierre, SD
Issues: Senior Citizens

Gov. Rounds Proclaims Sept. 24 - 30 as National Employ Older Workers Week

PIERRE, S.D. — Gov. Mike Rounds and Labor Secretary Pam Roberts today announced South Dakota's support for and celebration of National Employ Older Workers Week, Sept. 24 - 30, 2006. A Governor's proclamation was issued in an effort to show support for workers past the traditional retirement age who have re-entered the workforce.

"I applaud our state's seniors who continue to contribute to the workforce after the traditional age of retirement," said Gov. Rounds. "National Employ Older Workers Week is a testament to their dedication, determination and motivation, all qualities that add up to equal a valuable employee. Many issues face our seniors today, and we should do all in our power to ensure they have opportunities available to them."

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) brings employment and training opportunities to older Americans across the nation, and has helped millions of Americans find jobs in community service and the private sector. Currently, the program serves more than 100,000 seniors each year nationally, and nearly 600 in South Dakota. In South Dakota, SCSEP sub-grants to Experience Works which is based out of Sioux Falls.

"DOL is proud of the many successes of the Senior Community Service Employment Program and Experience Works," said Secretary Roberts. "We want to send the message to potential participants and employers that we have opportunities available to them."

Executive Proclamation
State of South Dakota
Office of the Governor

Whereas, America is witnessing a dramatic growth in its population of those 55 or older, a trend that will continue well into the 21st century; and,

Whereas, The graying of our population has already had a profound effect on public policy and will continue to help shape and affect the dynamics of our society; and,

Whereas, As our population continues to age, older workers will play an increasingly important role in maintaining our economy and America's leadership in the world marketplace; and,

Whereas, Americans age 55 or older are a dedicated and experienced core of our workforce. Their contributions to the nation, as paid workers and volunteers in both the private and public sectors, are immeasurable; and,

Whereas, While Americans age 55 or older represent one of our nation's greatest resources, challenges still exist for their full integration into the nation's workforce; and,

Whereas, In the new century, we are witnessing the blurring of the line of demarcation which has distinguished productive work years from those of retirement; and,

Whereas, The people of South Dakota support the efforts of the Department of Labor and Experience Works and wish to continue those efforts to offer opportunities to the seniors in our communities:

Now, Therefore, I, M. Michael Rounds, Governor of the state of South Dakota, do hereby proclaim September 24 - 30, 2006, as


in South Dakota, and I encourage all South Dakotans to recognize the contributions of older workers as vital to meeting the challenges of the 21st century. I urge public officials responsible for job placement, training and related services to intensify their efforts throughout the year to help older South Dakotans to find suitable jobs and training.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the state of South Dakota, in Pierre, the Capital City, this Twenty-first Day of August in the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Six.
M. Michael Rounds, Governor

Chris Nelson, Secretary of State
