Press Release - Ritter Campaign Condemns Rowland's Bestiality Comment

Date: Sept. 15, 2006

Press Release - Ritter Campaign Condemns Rowland's Bestiality Comment

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill Ritter's campaign manager today condemned Janet Rowland's comments comparing homosexuality to bestiality:

"Janet Rowland's comparison of homosexuality to bestiality is just plain insensitive, close-minded, derogatory, and crude," campaign manager Greg Kolomitz said. "This shows just how far to the right and out-of-touch the Beauprez-Rowland ticket really is."

Mesa County Commissioner Rowland made her comments during the March 17 "Colorado State of Mind" Rocky Mountain PBS public affairs show about the gay-marriage issue:

Janet Rowland: "Homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle. That doesn't make it a marriage. Some people have group sex. Should we allow two men and three women to marry? Should we allow polygamy with one man and five wives? For some, bestiality is an alternative lifestyle. Do we allow a man to marry a sheep? At some point, we have to draw a line."

Here is a link to a recording of the show:

"Janet Rowland and Congressman Beauprez owe the people of Colorado an explanation and an apology," Kolomitz said. "Her comments come dangerously close to former state Rep. Jim Welker's actions earlier this year, when he forwarded racially derogatory e-mails to many people using his state computer."

"Bill Ritter's campaign is about bringing people together and fulfilling the Colorado Promise. Nobody - whether a county commissioner or a candidate for statewide office- should be saying the sorts of things Janet Rowland said on public TV."
