Rutland Herald - In Their Own Words: Bernard Sanders (I)

Date: Nov. 5, 2006
Issues: Elections

Rutland Herald - In Their Own Words: Bernard Sanders (I)

Candidate for U.S. Senate

What makes you uniquely qualified to represent Vermont in the U.S. Senate?
Among many other qualities that I would bring to the position of U.S. Senator are my many years of experience. After four terms as mayor of Burlington and eight terms in the U.S. Congress I believe that I have developed a strong understanding of how government works (and does not work) at the local, state and federal level. I also bring to this campaign a strong record of proven effectiveness. I am proud to have established in Congress one of the strongest voting records for workers, family farmers, veterans, senior citizens, kids, women and the environment.

Is it more important for the nation to fight terrorism through border security or immigration reform?
We need to fight terrorism in a number of ways including, but not limited to, improved border security and immigration reform. I have voted to strengthen our borders by significantly increasing the number of border patrol agents and improving our technology on the borders. We must also do a much better job in inspecting the cargo that comes into our ports.

Should there be a timetable for pulling out U.S. troops from Iraq? If so, what should it be?
I voted against the war in Iraq. Polls indicate that the overwhelming majority of Iraqis believe their country would be safer and more stable if the United States withdrew its troops from Iraq. I believe we should honor their wishes and bring our troops home as soon as possible — preferably within the next year.

Would you have voted to approve the Military Commissions Act of 2006?
I voted against the Military Commissions Act. I believe that we can fight terrorism and protect the American people without undermining the constitutional rights that make us a free country.Do you believe the tax cuts implemented over the last six years have benefited the middle class?
Today, the middle class is shrinking, poverty is increasing, the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider and our national debt is exploding. I believe that we should rescind the tax breaks given to multi-millionaires and billionaires and focus tax breaks on the needs of the middle class.

Do you believe the nation's energy system should rely on nuclear power and fossil fuels? How do you think the nation should approach the problem of global warming?
In order to protect our environment and address the crisis of global warming, I believe we should move boldly away from fossil fuels and Middle East oil and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy. New technologies now exist in solar, wind, hydrogen, bio-fuels and other technologies which can help us reverse global warming and protect our environment.

If elected, how would you ensure the integrity of your office?
In terms of integrity, I believe that my record as mayor of Burlington and U.S. Congressman speaks for itself.

How do you think health care costs can be abated?
Despite having 48 million Americans without health insurance, we spend twice as much per capita on health care as any other country because we have the most wasteful, complicated and bureaucratic system in the world. A national health care program, administered at the state level, could provide quality health care for all without the expenditure of any more money.

Do you think the nation's educational system is effectively training young people to participate in a global economy?
Not as well as we should. We have to make college education affordable for all, fully fund special education and break our dependence on the regressive property tax as the major source of education funding.

Would you support a national ban on abortion?
No. I believe that abortion should be a decision of the woman, her physician and her family.

Do you think Social Security should be privatized?
No. Social Security has been an enormously successful program and will be there for our grandchildren with modest changes. I vigorously opposed the privatization of Social Security.
