Crapo Raises Awareness of Teen Dating Violence

Date: Nov. 17, 2006
Location: Washington, DC


"Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week" resolution passes Senate

For the second year in a row, teen dating violence awareness and prevention efforts will capture the nation's attention in February due to the efforts of Idaho Senator Mike Crapo. Crapo, along with Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-New York), Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey) and Patty Murray (D-Washington) sponsored S. Res. 621, calling for a national Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week, February 5 - 9, 2007. The resolution passed the Senate by unanimous consent late Thursday evening.

"As Idahoans know, the crime of teen dating violence, including physical, emotional and sexual assault, is a reality for many teenagers," said Crapo. "Like drug abuse, it's a reality that many parents don't know about. The teens who have made this resolution an annual effort by Congress have brought much-needed awareness to the problem. It makes sense to have those most affected by this insidious crime--teens themselves--lead the efforts to educate people about the terrible consequences of dating violence."

"I commend the Idaho teens who have made this issue a priority," continued Crapo. "Eagle High School teens won a national award for teen dating violence awareness Public Service Announcements they produced and starred in earlier this year. Fifteen Idaho schools received Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Toolkits from the American Bar Association in February, the same month that former Governor Kempthorne called attention to teen dating violence by proclamation. And, for the 2007 event, the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence will host ten teen dating forums in February and a statewide symposium on the subject in March. Idahoans' strong sense of family values and community health is evident in these and other efforts."

The Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Initiative was spearheaded by teenagers across the nation who committed to put a stop to teen dating violence. Initiated in 2004 by the American Bar Association and now supported by dozens of national, state and local organizations, the call to end teen dating violence was formally recognized in February of 2006 when both houses of Congress declared the first week in February "Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week."

The resolution calls on government representatives and agencies, private organizations and public officials to promote activities and prevention strategies that aim to reduce the high incidence of teen dating violence. Idaho communities that are interested in hosting a teen dating forum sponsored by the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence should contact the Coalition at (208) 384-0419. Crapo's Washington, D.C. office and website monitors information on events and efforts related to teen dating violence prevention in Idaho and nationwide.
