Graves Speaks With Veterans Advisory Council About Iraq

Date: Feb. 21, 2007
Location: Washington, DC


U.S. Congressman Sam Graves today spoke with his local Veterans Advisory Council in Liberty about the war in Iraq and his last trip overseas where he visited our troops and meet with top military and civilian leaders. Graves showed the group pictures from his recent Congressional trip to Afghanistan, Germany, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey and Ukraine.

"It was an honor to be able to visit with our troops overseas," said Graves. "Even in the most trying of circumstances, the moral and dedication of our courageous soldiers is admirable."

Congressman Graves made history last May as part of the first congressional delegation to spend the night in Baghdad since Operation Iraqi Freedom began. The overnight stay in Baghdad was part of the congressional delegation traveling throughout the Middle East and Europe.

Graves also spoke to the group about our current involvement in Iraq.

"My number one priority concerning Iraq is the safety of our men and women serving in our Armed Forces," said Graves. "We cannot succeed in Iraq without more participation from Iraqis. Trained and mature Iraqi forces must step-up and into the fight so we can bring our brave American service members home safely."

Graves is a fourth-term Congressman representing northwest and central Missouri.
