College Student Relief Act of 2007

Date: Jan. 17, 2007
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, as one who graduated from college with two of my elementary school teachers, because they did not have to have a college degree at that time and could not get one, I want to thank and commend Chairman MILLER for bringing this legislation to the floor.

As a member of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, I am proud to cosponsor this historic legislation that will make college more affordable to students in Illinois and across the Nation.

A few minutes ago, I heard one of my colleagues from the other side of the aisle suggest that this was a sound bite of some kind, and I was thinking to myself, yeah, for those students in my district who live in and go to college at Columbia College, it is a savings bite of $2,430 over the years that they will be in school; at Chicago State University, $2,270; Concordia University, $2,430; DePaul University, $2,410; Dominican, $2,580; and on down the line.

Well, if it is a sound bite, I think the sound of this kind of saving sounds pretty good to the students who live in the city of Chicago, the State of Illinois and across the Nation. I urge its passage.
