Governor Baldacci Pledges Support for the Elderly

Date: Dec. 13, 2006
Location: Old Town, ME

Governor Baldacci Pledges Support for the Elderly

Governor John E. Baldacci told senior citizens in Old Town that he will continue to protect Maine families and Maine's elderly as he enters his second term in office. The Governor said that more work needs to be done in the areas of affordable health care and prescription drugs, affordable taxes, energy prices and ensuring that all Mainers have opportunities for success.

"These issues are more important now than ever to address here in Maine," said Governor Baldacci, "There remain many challenges ahead of us, but working together we will continue to protect our seniors."

Governor Baldacci spoke specifically with the group about the Medicare Part D program. The Governor said that Maine was the first state to implement a system so no seniors fell through the cracks.

"I will continue to fight for affordable health care and medications," said the Governor.

Governor Baldacci talked with the group of senior citizens, who were gathered for lunch at the Elks Club in Old Town, for about a half hour. In addition to health care, the Governor touched on stories about his parents and the family restaurant, his family's new puppy, and more serious issues such as property taxes with his plan to cap valuation for the purpose of taxation for full time Maine residents.

"My plan sets firm in the Maine Constitution the basic principle that the burden of property taxes must be reduced for our permanent Maine residents," said Governor Baldacci. "Capping increases in the value of property for Mainers provides the immediate relief Mainers have been demanding."
