Boozman: Installment Plan Hurts Troops

Press Release

Date: May 10, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Boozman: Installment Plan Hurts Troops
Calls for True Bipartisan Measure Which Includes Benchmarks

U.S. Representative John Boozman (R-AR) today voted against a plan by House Leadership to fund the nation's armed forces on what amounts to an installment plan.

"We should not be reducing the American military to the point of asking for an allowance every two months," Boozman said. "This installment plan hurts out troops. It is one thing to oppose the policy, but it is an entirely different thing to encourage our enemies to crank it up for two months to influence the next vote on funding.

"This is irresponsibly creating a situation where our troops will be in even more danger," Boozman added. "I reaffirm my call to put together a truly bipartisan funding plan which reflects the importance of benchmarks - which the President said today he was willing to agree with Congress on.

"Today's bill is fundamentally no different than the bill which was already vetoed by the President, and I call on leadership to quit wasting time," Boozman said.
