Issue Position: Ending War, Initiating Diplomacy

Issue Position

Ending War, Initiating Diplomacy

"I have always been proud of an America that stands for democracy, human rights, fairness and diplomacy abroad. Those values are now endangered. I never thought I would see my generation fighting a senseless war. And I'm troubled that we're not doing more to stop it. The War in Iraq is a disaster: for United States security and world peace, for human rights, and for the soldiers fighting.

"This war was wrong from the beginning, and I have opposed it before it ever began. Ending the war is my top priority, and is the main reason that I'm running for U.S. Congress. Like you, I am frustrated with politicians in Washington spending their time debating non-binding resolutions and taking symbolic stands. It is time to retake leadership and bring about an end now - not at some to-be-determined date far in the future.

"I believe that we can and must learn from this tragic mistake. We must change our approach to international relations with a focus on diplomacy and investment in international relief, and once again reclaim our position as moral leaders of the world."

- Jamie

Jamie Eldridge's Plan:
1. End the War Now
2. Rebuild Through Diplomacy
3. Reclaim Human Rights Leadership
4. Refocus on Security at Home

End the War Now

The human cost of the war is simply unacceptable. President Bush's decision to invade and occupy Iraq has come with a horrific price tag: the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis and more than 3,000 America troops - with the numbers rising daily. This path does not lead to victory; in fact, our very actions are more likely to inflame pre-existing divisions and produce an Iraqi civil war. There are no winners, and more military action is not a solution. In spite of this, the U.S. continues to embrace military rather than diplomatic approaches. An immediate end to hostilities is essential to end the carnage and loss of human life.

Despite the 2006 election results the President has recently proposed committing over 20,000 more troops to Iraq. In 2005 Congressman Meehan called for full withdrawal by October 2006. In the six months since, nothing has changed and we are still wasting time. President Bush's go-it-alone strategy has not, and will never work. Many Democrats who have yet to take a strong, effective position should share in the blame.

* I support withdrawal of troops from Iraq on a timeline beginning immediately, not more funding to continue the effort.
* We will only be successful in ending the war if the next round of funding is only for the immediate safe return and quality medical treatment of our soldiers.

Rebuild Through Diplomacy

Virtually every member of the global community is against this war, and the United States should not ignore their voices. Bridges need to be rebuilt between the United States and the international community. The past four years show that unilateral militarism, with disregard for our allies, leads to isolation and failure. Iraq needs political and diplomatic support from the international community - including its immediate neighbors - to get back on its feet and keep peace.

So long as the US remains a military presence in Iraq our credibility is damaged, but when we leave we must not cease to care about the Iraqi people. In Iraq, citizens can profit from terrorist actions by being paid for killing American soldiers and rival leaders. Without economic opportunity for the Iraqi people, the incentive for violence can be compelling. The misuse of funds intended for reconstruction efforts in Iraq is also severely hampering progress. With the passage of the 2006 fiscal year Defense Authorization Act, our annual defense spending is now almost $500 billion, but what results have we seen?

* Initiate a diplomatic offensive that is tied with strong incentives for peace. We need to make peace possible and beneficial for Iraqis.
* Support Congressman Tierney's effort (H.Res.116) to reestablish a "Truman Committee" style commission to ensure that funds for rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan are not being wasted.
* Re-direct defense spending to diplomacy, pro-democracy efforts, containment in the Middle East, and Veterans benefits (especially top-notch medical care for the injured and comprehensive workforce training).

Reclaim Human Rights Leadership

The United States has lost its moral leadership. How can we expect other nations to follow our lead and develop open, democratic institutions when we sanction torture and restrict our own of civil liberties? We must change course to stop aggravating the resistance among extremists and between ethnic groups. Conservative estimates say the number of resistance fighters in Iraq increased from 5,000 to 20,000 in the past two years.

Democracy cannot flourish under an occupation and without respect for fundamental human rights. While the mechanics of voting are established in Iraq, the election is only a milestone in the country's difficult journey toward self-determination, with great challenges ahead. America will benefit from leading the way toward a safer, more peaceful world.

* End all US government-sanctioned torture and human rights abuses now.
* I support Congressman Markey's bill to prevent outsourcing of torture.
* Re-establish American foreign policy priorities toward diplomacy and partnership.

Refocus on Security at Home

The war in Iraq has not made us safer. Five years after 9/11, our country is still unprepared for a terrorist attack. The recommendations of the 9/11 Commission have been ignored or, at best, under-funded. The 9/11 Commission gave the government five F's and 12 D's on the implementation of its recommendations. Moreover, using National Guard troops in Iraq leaves states shorthanded when disasters strike at home. Hurricane Katrina, in particular, highlighted the need for massive reallocation of resources from armaments into disaster preparedness and infrastructure at home.

* As a member of Congress, I will push for legislation to strengthen our chemical plant and drinking water security, improve mass transit security, fully fund our hospitals and enhance disaster preparedness.
* I will work with local law enforcement, first responders, and firefighters to ensure that the federal government is aiding their efforts at every step along the way.
