Chris Murphy Announces His Office to be Carbon Neutral

Press Release

Date: Dec. 27, 2007
Location: New Britain, CT
Issues: Oil and Gas

Today, Congressman Chris Murphy held a press conference at his New Britain office to announce that in response to the growing crisis of global warming caused by carbon emissions, Murphy is taking steps to reduce and offset the carbon emissions of his offices.

"As we look forward to 2008, I encourage people to think about how they can make a difference in protecting our planet. Whether you simply change your light bulbs to a more energy efficient bulb, or calculate your carbon usage and purchase offsets, you can make a difference," said Murphy.

With help from the National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL) and Sterling Planet, Murphy has calculated his offices' carbon footprint using the EPA's Climate Leaders Protocol. With this information, Murphy is taking several steps toward reducing his carbon footprint, including buying renewable energy certificates to account for his Connecticut office's electricity use, investing in "carbon offsets" to mitigate his air travel, car travel and natural gas use, and reducing waste and increasing energy efficiency in his offices. (The Washington, D.C. office's electricity use is already offset via the House's "Green the Capitol" efforts.)

Murphy was joined today by Robert A. Maddox, Jr. LEED AP, the National Director of Utility Programs for Sterling Planet, who assisted Murphy in taking the steps necessary to make his office carbon neutral.

"I am delighted the Congressman is setting the example to support renewable energy and neutralizing his carbon footprint," said Maddox.
