Walter Jones Would Support Impeaching President Bush!

Press Release

Date: Nov. 7, 2007
Location: Jacksonville, NC

Yesterday, Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) joined liberal Democrats in voting to move impeachment articles against Vice President Dick Cheney forward to the House Judiciary Committee. Jones was one on only four Republicans to vote for this radical measure, sponsored by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). "This vote to move on with the impeachment proceedings against Vice President Cheney is shameful," said Joe McLaughlin, a retired Army officer and conservative Republican challenger to Jones. "It's clear Walter Jones has totally abandoned the Republican Party - it's time for Walter to move on."

According to a website authored by Hollywood screenwriter and play-write Richard Lasser, Walter Jones may also support impeaching President George W. Bush. Lasser, whose latest work is a stage play based on the hypothetical impeachment of President Bush, claims he met with Congressman Jones in his office in September and Jones told him that he would "enthusiastically support the impeachment resolution."

"When will this madness end?" asked McLaughlin. "Walter Jones is the poster-boy for the most radical elements of the liberal left and now is holding meetings in his office with anti-war activists trying to impeach our President.

"It's time for the phony Republican to end the masquerade," continued McLaughlin. "With next Tuesday the deadline for switching Party affiliation for the May primaries, I call on Walter Jones to do the honorable thing - end this charade - and switch his Party registration."

"I can promise you, that if Walter Jones isn't willing to leave the Republican Party on his own, the voters of this district will make that decision for him next May," concluded McLaughlin. "One way or the other Walter Jones will not be the Republican nominee from North Carolina's 3rd Congressional District in 2008."
