Graves' Statement on Petraeus/Crocker Testimony

Date: April 9, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Graves' Statement on Petraeus/Crocker Testimony

U.S. Congressman Sam Graves issued the following statement regarding today's testimony by General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker:

"I thought General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker gave an honest, straightforward assessment of the situation on the ground. It is clear to me that our soldiers have made significant progress in Iraq and our efforts there are making us safer here in America. Violence has declined throughout most of Iraq and terrorists have been denied safe havens, particularly in Baghdad and al Anbar province."

"The progress of our soldiers in Iraq is a bi-partisan fact. Both Democrats and Republicans who have traveled to Iraq and seen our troops' progress first-hand, including Congressman John Murtha (D-PA), have acknowledged significant gains that have been made."

"That being said, the gains that have been made are reversible. Congress needs to have the resolve to finish our mission in Iraq. We must make sure that we never have to send our grandchildren back."

"I've always believed that we should listen to the military generals on the ground. We should continue to draw down troops on the schedule they say is best."

"I believe my role is to make sure that our troops have every tool they need to complete this mission. Our men and women in uniform have made us all proud with their heroic and unwavering service to this country. Congress owes it to our fighting men and women to pass a clean emergency troop funding bill by Memorial Day."
