Attack on John Kerry's Military Service

Date: April 27, 2004
Location: Washington DC


Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, over 35 years ago, JOHN KERRY faced his enemies in Vietnam. There were enemies there who were involved in sniper fire against JOHN KERRY, trying to take his life and kill him because he wore the uniform of the United States of America. Sadly, the Vietnam snipers are still trying to cause damage to JOHN KERRY.

The new Vietnam snipers come from the Bush-Cheney campaign: Karen Hughes, sadly the Vice President, and other campaign operatives who are now attacking JOHN KERRY because he served our country. He wore the uniform of the United States of America. He volunteered and put his life on the line in Vietnam.

This shameless exercise by the Bush-Cheney campaign must be called for what it is. Many of us did not serve in the military, even those of us in the Vietnam era. We did not volunteer for service as JOHN KERRY did. We didn't wear the uniform of our country proudly as he did. We did not risk our lives. Included in this group is Vice President Cheney, who used his deferments to avoid military service, as he was legally allowed to do. Yet we now hear Vice President Cheney leading the attack against JOHN KERRY, a man who volunteered, risked his life, and received awards from this country for his heroism.

This is an outrageous campaign tactic by the Bush-Cheney campaign. The Republican attack machine on JOHN KERRY has, frankly, criticized him for his two tours of duty in Vietnam. Apparently, that was not enough. The fact that JOHN KERRY earned a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts wasn't good enough for these Bush-Cheney campaign operatives who never miss a chance to attack JOHN KERRY for his military record.

Thank goodness, Senators of the stature of JOHN MCCAIN have stood up to defend his fellow Vietnam veteran, JOHN KERRY. They have said that JOHN'S service is clear and unequivocal. He risked his life for America. I have met men who were in his crew, those who travel with him in his campaign, his so-called "band of brothers." They are in their late fifties and early sixties. They give up what they are doing to join JOHN MCCAIN on the campaign trail. They tell the story. They tell the story of a young Navy lieutenant volunteering to serve this country, literally risking his life for those in his crew. They join him on the campaign trail, saying they are prepared to follow him into battle again.

But listen to what is coming from the other side. To think that those who did not serve in the military are now criticizing JOHN KERRY for his war record is reprehensible. It is time to put the cards on the table. JOHN KERRY not only has nothing to apologize for when it comes to his military record, he can be very proud of that. For those who say when he came back after the war and was critical of our Vietnam policy, somehow that was wrong, once again, listen to Senator JOHN MCCAIN, a man who not only served in the U.S. Navy as well but was a prisoner of war. JOHN MCCAIN came forward and said JOHN KERRY had every right to make the statements after the war about his disagreement with our foreign policy.

What we face today is incredible-that the Bush-Cheney campaign is going to attack a decorated Vietnam war veteran, raise questions as to whether he was deserving of a Purple Heart. How could they stoop so low? How could they do this when so many other men and women who have served our country, who have been wounded in battle and received Purple Hearts, have given all we could ever ask of an American citizen? And now to disparage JOHN KERRY and say that perhaps he doesn't deserve all of the recognition he has been given for his service in Vietnam is about as low as it gets.

I have listened to these comments, and I am particularly disturbed that Vice President Dick Cheney has been the author of so many of these comments as well. Yesterday he was at Westminster College in Fulton, MO. He was supposed to give a speech on the foreign policy of the United States. Vice President Cheney was supposed to speak at Westminster College about foreign policy issues in Iraq. Instead, he went on the attack on JOHN KERRY and his patriotism and defense of America. It was such an embarrassing moment that, when he left, the president of Westminster College e-mailed the students, staff, and faculty basically apologizing for what Vice President Cheney had said there.

Vice President Cheney should know better. He should know that JOHN KERRY served our country and served it with distinction and honor. While Vice President Cheney did not serve in the military, JOHN KERRY did. It is time to end this shameful Bush-Cheney campaign tactic and to recognize the obvious: JOHN KERRY led men into battle. He defended America. As President of the United States, he will do exactly the same.

I yield the floor.

The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Oregon is recognized for 10 minutes.
