Ellison Appointed Vice-Chair of Bi-Partisan Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus


Date: June 4, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Press Release:Ellison Appointed Vice-Chair of Bi-Partisan Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus

Joins with Fifty One Congressional Colleagues

"I am proud to join Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) today in launching the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus," Congressman Ellison stated.

The mission of the Caucus is to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equality. The Caucus will work toward the extension of equal rights, the repeal of discriminatory laws, the elimination of hate-motivated violence, and the improved health and well-being for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.

"I am honored to join this caucus because of my lifelong commitment to fighting all discrimination. I believe when my gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender neighbor suffers from discrimination, then I suffer, and so does our whole community. Every member of our society contributes to the health, wealth and generosity of our community. Only when we recognize, protect, and, in fact, celebrate that shall we realize all our citizens' potential," Ellison concluded.
