The Air Force and High Fuel Costs

Date: June 17, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

THE AIR FORCE AND HIGH FUEL COSTS -- (Extensions of Remarks - June 17, 2008)

TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2008

* Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, every day the American people are faced with another headline about record fuel prices. We have been urged to reduce consumption and the American people are listening. Obviously though, Madam Speaker, the Air Force isn't.

* The United States Air Force spends more than $6.6 billion per year on fuel costs and rising fuel prices continues to drive this number higher. As a taxpayer and supporter of our men and women in uniform, I believe the Air Force should be doing all they can to heed the call and maximize fuel economy wherever possible.

* However, the Air Force in their recent tanker award has determined that the opposite path is appropriate. The Air Force selection of an Airbus aircraft over the more fuel efficient Boeing aircraft has real impacts and costs for every American.

* The independent firm Conklin & de Decker Aviation Information has completed a study that shows the Boeing offering to be nearly 25 percent more fuel efficient than the Airbus aircraft. Over the 40 year life of the aircraft at oil at $125 a barrel this will result in additional costs to Americans of nearly $30 billion dollars and more than 2.24 billion gallons of additional fuel not available to help bring relief to the record prices.

* Now Madam Speaker, I understand that our military must choose the best tool for the war fighter and fuel is but one critical input. However, when the Boeing offering meets or exceeds all Air Force requirements with better technology and maximum operational capability when compared to the Airbus aircraft, it simply defies common sense that the Air Force would choose to add this burden to Americans. Higher cost? Less capability? More fuel? Madam Speaker it is time for Congress to take a closer look.
