Walz Promotes Bipartisan, Comprehensive Solution on Gas Prices

Press Release

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: July 16, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas

With Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, offering a gloomy view of the economy in testimony on Capitol Hill this week, Congressman Tim Walz released the following statement about promoting a bipartisan comprehensive solution on sky-rocketing gas prices.

"Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke's warning of the risks of greater inflation and further economic slowdown is another wake up call for Washington. Business as usual won't work -- we need a change. Sky-rocketing gas prices are hurting working people, middle class families and small businesses - and, it hurts bad. That's why I am encouraging Democratic and Republican leaders to end partisan bickering to find a comprehensive solution on gas prices. This is an extraordinary time that requires an extraordinary willingness to roll up our sleeves and find agreement. I am open to expanding domestic drilling and oil production that is done in a responsible manner so long as it's part of a bipartisan, comprehensive agreement that includes conservation, speeds up development of new affordable fuels and cracks down on speculation. We need to end the finger pointing and get to work on developing more short and long term common sense solutions that are good for the American people both now and long into the future."
