Time to Get Serious About Energy Policy

Press Release

Date: Aug. 12, 2008

Time to Get Serious About Energy Policy

While Representative Don Cazayoux claims in his latest television ad that he has "taken on his own Party to get more offshore drilling", his voting record says something entirely different. In just a few months in Congress, Representative Cazayoux has voted consistently with his party leaders to block real energy solutions, including bills aimed at expanding domestic oil drilling:

voted to block consideration of the American Energy Act, an "all of the above" energy bill (House Roll Call 524, 07/24/08)
voted to block consideration of a bill that would allow energy exploration in ANWR and the Outer Continental Shelf (House Roll Call 391, 06/10/08)
voted to block consideration of amendments that would permit oil exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf (House Roll Call 340, 05/21/08)
voted to block consideration of amendments that would allow oil drilling in ANWR (House Roll Call 341, 05/21/2008 and House Roll Call 310, 05/14/08)

"It appears that Representative Don Cazayoux's energy policy is empty rhetoric which does not match his consistent record of blocking efforts for a comprehensive approach to solving our nation's energy problems," said Bill Cassidy. "It is time to get serious about energy policy."

If Representative Cazayoux is serious about reducing the cost of gas, he needs to do more than send letters. There are three things that should be done for his record to catch up to his rhetoric:

1. Sign the three discharge petitions to bring comprehensive energy plans to a vote:

-No More Excuses Energy Act (HR3089)

-American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act (HR6107)
-Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2008 (HR6108),

Support bringing Congress back into an emergency session to vote on energy, and

Vote against any rule that limits amendments on the House Floor so that a substantive vote on drilling can take place.

Bill Cassidy will support comprehensive energy solutions that decrease our dependence on foreign oil, increase our domestic supply, diversify our sources of energy, and conserve the energy we produce.

Increasing our supply of oil and natural gas will lower prices at the pump. Bill Cassidy will work to accomplish this by:
-Lifting the bans on domestic offshore drilling and extracting oil from shale in the Western United States
-Opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and other potential energy sources to drilling
-Supporting efforts to produce more natural gas and promote the use of natural gas for transportation
- Reducing the costly, complicated, and time-consuming maze of federal regulatory requirements affecting refineries.
-Increasing the capacity of existing refineries by reducing the costly federal regulations that affect them

Energy independence is essential to America's long term financial stability and national security. Bill Cassidy will work to accomplish this with tax incentives for individuals and businesses that encourage these and other forms of Alternative Energy and Conservation:
-Promoting the development of alternatively fueled vehicles such as hydrogen cells
-Developing and expanding alternative technologies such as solar, wind, and clean coal
-Increasing fuel standards and promoting the use of hybrid and flex-fuel vehicles
