A Storm Sweeping This Chamber

Date: Sept. 16, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

A STORM SWEEPING THIS CHAMBER -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2008)

Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, a terrible storm has swept over my home State of Texas, brought devastation to neighborhoods and communities; 2,500 search and rescue missions out, 2 million people without energy in their home probably for 3 weeks.

There's another storm that will sweep this Chamber and this Nation over the hoax of this energy, this energy bill that brings no energy to the American people, at a time when we need the shot in the arm for the long term, as well as for today.

This bill that's been brought as if it were a real bill, brought, passed in the dead of night, brought with no debate, no discussion, no input, no process, a process that has stood us well for decades, for centuries, no process, no offshore exploration, no oil shale resources, no refineries, no drilling in ANWR, no nuclear, no coal, no energy, no nothing, and no commitment to the American people who support this and understand what we should be doing, what they deserve, what they respect, what is our job.

What a hoax. What a disappointment.
