Issue Position: Crime, Drug Policy, and the Courts

Issue Position

Congressman McHenry is vice-chairman of the Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and Drug Policy. One of his first efforts as a Congressman was to organize a conference with sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel from every county in the Tenth District, along with federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents and State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) agents to discuss solutions to the increasing methamphetamine problem in the state.

The Congressman supports much stiffer penalties for drug dealers and offenders, and better management of federal grants to assist local law enforcement to eradicate this problem. He is cosponsor of three bills that will move toward these goals by countering methamphetamine production and trafficking.

The Congressman strongly supports the death penalty, and opposes efforts by activist judges to pursue a left wing agenda that is contrary to the will of the American people. Judges are supposed to interpret law, not create law, but over time they have taken legislative power. To treat them as such, Congressman McHenry supports term-limiting federal judges.
