The Washington Liberals


Date: Oct. 9, 2008
Issues: Liberal

Have you heard?

The liberal Washington special interest groups have put me on their "watch list."

The liberals funding my opponent's campaign talk a lot about "change." They say this is a change election cycle and incumbents should be thrown out of Congress.

Well, they are right about one thing…this is a change election year. Hardworking taxpayers are sick and tired of the way Washington liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have spent their money hand over fist.

Voters are angry with the way the Democratically controlled Congress has kept us dependent on foreign oil and how their irresponsibility has led to this economic crisis.

We do need change…but not big government change. We need common-sense conservative change…

- The kind of change that gets government out of the way and let's business create jobs.

- The kind of change that lowers taxes and empowers working families.

- The kind of change that drills in American territories and reduces our dependence on foreign oil.

We can make conservative change happen and reform Washington. I've been working hard for you and because I've fought for our shared South Carolina values, the liberal special interests are gunning for me this year.

That's why I need your help in one of two ways.

1. Will you volunteer? We have less than 30 days to go in the Campaign and I need your help to get my message out to the voters. This election is crucial, we must make sure voters turnout on November 4th. If you have any time you can come to the office and help build or put out yard signs, make phone calls, help with mailings, or go door-to-door please stop by or call our office at (803) 926-1413.

2. Will you donate to my campaign? I can't spread our conservative message without the monetary resources. We need money to keep our ads on TV until November 4th. Any donation you could afford today will go a long way in helping us get the job done. Just click here to make a donation.

Thank you for what you're doing to fight off the liberal agenda. We can…and we will make conservative change happen.


Joe Wilson
