Jeb Discusses the Second


Date: June 26, 2008
Location: Wolfeboro, NH
Issues: Judicial Branch

Jeb Discusses the Second

Wolfeboro, NH "The Supreme Court Ruling today solidifies what most Americans already knew…that our founders, in creating the Constitution and the foundation for this nation, believed in individual rights, including the right to protect oneself. The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution is clear: law abiding Americans have the right to keep and bear arms. In their wisdom, our founders understood that government, if left with too much control, would remove the rights of the individual. Therefore the 2nd Amendment protects individual liberties from being infringed upon. Today's ruling by the Supreme Court confirms our rights as Americans guaranteed by our Constitution.

I am thrilled that the Court protected the right of the law abiding Americans to keep and bear arms. However, the fact that it was a narrow five to four decision means that Americans must be vigilant to protect their 2nd Amendment Constitutional rights. The make-up a future Supreme Court could reverse or infringe upon this important decision.

Also important to the 2nd Amendment will be the make up of the next Congress. Carol Shea-Porter has shown her true colors by failing to support the overturn of the DC Gun Ban by her refusal to sign the Amicus Brief in this case. I was proud to vote to overturn the DC Gun Ban and proud of the A-Rating I received from the National Rifle Association because of my voting record in support of the Second Amendment. I look forward to returning to Congress to ensure that our government respects the rights we possess under our Constitution."
