Blackburn Votes "No" On Auto Industry Bailout Package

Press Release

Date: Dec. 10, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) voted against the auto industry bailout package proposed by House Democrats and the White House. Speaking on the issue, Mrs. Blackburn said:

"Through the last week, I have asked my colleagues and industry experts to give me one example of an industry or economic sector that fell under government micromanagement and came out healthy and competitive. So far, no one has an answer."

"The plan before us does not promote industry health. Instead, it perpetuates uncompetitive practices. I favor a modified Chapter 11 restructuring. The Chapter 11 process served Delta and United Airlines, and their employees, well. It could do the same for the ‘Big 3'. People did not stop flying because airlines were being restructured and tens of thousands didn't lose their jobs. If the auto industry builds a product people want to buy and can afford, the industry will thrive."

"This bill does nothing to get people to buy cars. I urge my colleagues to support efforts, like my ‘Sales Tax Deductibility Extension Act' that will allow taxpayers to keep their hard earned money and bring liquidity back to the economy."
