Norton to Protect DC Same-Sex Marriage Bill


Date: April 8, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) today issued the following statement on the City Council's vote yesterday to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states:

"The District of Columbia City Council's action to recognize marriages performed elsewhere in the United States is as old and traditional as the Union itself. Because we value stable families, the states traditionally recognize marriages sanctioned in other states in order to avoid destabilizing family life. Gay couples, no less than others, must be entitled to the protection of their marriages sanctioned in other states, especially in today's mobile society. Particularly considering that many gay couples are also parents, every effort must be made to protect these families and their children as they move among our states. I will make every effort to protect the District's self-governing authority to make this and other decisions for its residents."
