After D.C. Voting Rights Bill Hold-Up Holocaust Museum Shooting Shows City's Vulnerability

Press Release

Date: June 11, 2009
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton today continued the fight for the District's Voting Rights bill as she spoke on a resolution she co-sponsored to condemn the violent attack yesterday that killed security guard Stephen Johns at the U.S. Holocaust Museum yesterday. Norton said that on Tuesday House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced he had not been able to get enough members in the House of Representatives to remove a dangerous gun attachment and allow the D.C. House Voting Rights Act to move forward. A day later, a young man lost his life to the kind of gun violence Norton had been working to prevent. She said this gun violence that occurred at one of the District's most popular and compelling memorials against violence shows how vulnerable the nation's capital would be.

Norton said that there were political considerations that kept the House from moving on gun legislation this week. However, one way to show that Congress is not paralyzed in the face of gun violence would be to pass her voting rights bill without a gun attachment that has nothing to do with voting rights.
