Obama Should Act To Overturn Stem Cell Restrictions By Executive Order

Press Release

Date: Dec. 22, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Obama Should Act To Overturn Stem Cell Restrictions By Executive Order

U.S. Reps. Diana DeGette and Michael Castle, chief architects of legislation expanding stem cell research, led a bipartisan group of legislators today in sending a letter to President-Elect Barack Obama urging him to immediately remove existing federal barriers to embryonic stem cell research by Executive Order upon taking office. Reps. DeGette and Castle recently introduced new stem cell legislation overturning President Bush's Executive Order, updating previous legislation to ensure that it is current with the ever-expanding field of stem cell research, and bringing the National Institutes of Health (NIH) back into the forefront of stem cell research worldwide.

"I am excited that we are on the brink of expanding stem cell research under a responsible, pro-science Administration," said DeGette, Vice Chair of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. "After two vetoes of strong bipartisan legislation that would have overturned President Bush's restrictions, millions of patients and their families can now finally have hope again. I look forward to working with the Obama Administration to develop a robust research agenda in America."

"For the first time in many years the U.S. is poised to reaffirm its commitment to funding a pro-science biomedical research agenda by removing the current restrictions on embryonic stem cell research, which continues to hold so much promise," said Castle. "We have lost valuable time and I look forward to working with President-Elect Obama and Congressional leaders in 2009 to swiftly nullify the current restrictions and finally allow science to flourish."
