Asking For Jobs Today

Floor Speech

Date: July 28, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. LATTA. Mr. Speaker, America and Ohio are hurting. Ohio has an unemployment rate of 11.1 percent. My district, the Fifth District, is the number one manufacturing and number one agricultural district in the State of Ohio.

One of my counties, Williams, has an unemployment rate of 11.6 percent. I was up there this past weekend and the people were all asking me the same question: Where are the jobs? Where are the jobs? They want jobs today.

The President said this past year that with the stimulus bill, America wouldn't have an unemployment rate of 8 percent. Now it is 9.5 percent. Ohio is 11.1 percent. Since January, America has lost over 3 million jobs. Three million jobs.

This last month, the Democrats passed the cap-and-tax bill. It is estimated it is going to cost millions of American jobs. Millions. Now the Democrat House bill that is before us on health care could cost over 5 million jobs. Five million jobs.

My folks are scared, and they want to know where the jobs are.

Mr. Speaker, we ask for jobs today.
