Budget Taxes Too Much

Floor Speech

Date: March 18, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

BUDGET TAXES TOO MUCH -- (House of Representatives - March 18, 2009)

(Mr. FLEMING asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, this is budget time again, and this budget proposed by the administration has some very major flaws in it. It creates a greater tax burden on the American people, among other things. The budget calls for a $637 billion tax increase for the majority of small businesses that pay taxes as individuals.

The cap-and-tax program, not the cap-and-trade but cap-and-tax program, will increase taxes conservatively by $646 billion on energy to every household in America. These households can expect to pay more than $3,000 a year extra on their utility bills. This is money taken directly out of the pockets of working families struggling to pay bills each month.

This budget also caps the value of itemized deductions for those with higher incomes and really middle-class incomes, reducing charitable giving by $9 billion a year which will devastate charities.

Finally, this budget reinstates the death tax which has been found to lower overall employment by $1.5 million.

This budget spends too much, wastes too much, and taxes too much.
