Act Fiscally Responsibly And In A Bipartisan Manner

Floor Speech

ACT FISCALLY RESPONSIBLY AND IN A BIPARTISAN MANNER -- (House of Representatives - February 24, 2009)

(Mr. FLEMING asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, 2 weeks ago this body spent over $1 trillion of taxpayer dollars on programs that will grow the size of government, but won't stimulate the economy to help us get out of this financial crisis.

Consumer confidence remains low, and fear of the future remains, as evidenced by the lowest Dow since 1997.

Last week I held two town hall meetings in my district in Northwest Louisiana. In both meetings, the feelings were the same. People are scared and they are angry. They are looking for solutions. Instead we give them wasteful spending and social programs funded with one-time money. Now we hear of a plan to finance this with taxes on the back of small businesses and on the taxpayers themselves.

To help this economy, we must allow business to expedite depreciation schedules, eliminate capital gains taxes and reduce payroll deductions and dedicate dollars to infrastructure projects, including I-49 in Louisiana.

As we move to consider the half trillion dollar omnibus, I urge my colleagues to act fiscally responsible and in a bipartisan manner.
