Blackburn Reacts To 10.2% Unemployment


Date: Nov. 6, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Blackburn Reacts To 10.2% Unemployment

Today Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) reacted to the latest unemployment figures:

"Despite billions in deficit spending and an unprecedented expansion of the Federal Government, unemployment has reached a staggering ten percent nationwide. It is far higher in many places in the 7th District. Despite what the President and Speaker Pelosi would have you believe, there is no such thing as a ‘jobless recovery'. This is the wrong time to enact a multi-trillion dollar health care bill that will raise taxes on small businesses and leave millions more unemployed."

"For all their talk of ‘stimulus' liberals in Washington have forgotten that the best economic stimulus is a job. To create jobs we need to reward innovative small businesses, incentivize investment, and truly bring down the cost of health care instead of building yet another dysfunctional federal bureaucracy. In other words, we need to change direction completely."
