Affordable Health Care For America Act

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 7, 2009
Location: Washington D.C.


Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, every day millions of people wake up with a knot in their stomach because they have anxiety and fear that they may lose their health care coverage or they don't have it to begin with. They need this health care bill. We in this Chamber are conscious of the sweep of history, but the people in my district and millions more across the country have a much less ambitious perspective. They just want to know is this a good bill, does it make sense, and will it help them and their families.

Well, if you are a senior, the answer is yes. We're going to begin closing the doughnut hole. If you are a young person, the answer is yes. You can now stay on your parents' policy through age 26. If you are a working adult, the answer is yes, because we're going to curb the abusive practices of the health insurance industry.

So what I want to say to people in my district and to others is this is a good bill, it makes sense, and it will help millions of Americans across this country.

I urge its passage.

