Gallegly Votes For Health Care Reform; House Fails To Pass It

Press Release

Date: Nov. 7, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

"Today I voted for healthcare reform that would have lowered healthcare costs without raising taxes, without cutting Medicare, without spending more than $1 trillion and without putting the federal government in charge of Americans' health care decisions," said U.S. Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Ventura & Santa Barbara Counties).

"The reform I voted for would have:

• "Lowered health care premiums for American families and small businesses, addressing Americans' No. 1 priority for healthcare reform.

• "Established Universal Access Programs to guarantee access to affordable health care for those with pre-existing conditions while lowering costs for all Americans.

• "Ended junk lawsuits and curbed defensive medicine by enacting medical liability reforms modeled after successful state laws in California and Texas.

• "Prevented insurers from canceling a policy unless a person commits fraud or conceals material facts about a health condition.

• "Given small businesses the power to pool together and offer health care at lower prices, just as corporations and labor unions do.

• "Encouraged innovation by providing incentive payments to states that reduce premiums and the number of uninsured.

• "Allowed Americans to shop for coverage from coast to coast by allowing Americans living in one state to purchase insurance in another.

• "Cut the deficit by $68 billion over the next 10 years, according to CBO estimates.

"Instead, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the majority party in the House pushed through a $1.3 trillion healthcare plan that will result in higher premiums for all Americans, higher taxes on individuals and small businesses, increase the deficit and lead to more job losses when the national unemployment rate has reached 10.2 percent. This was the wrong prescription for America."
