Affordable Health Care For America Act

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 7, 2009
Location: Washington, DC


The camera of history is rolling, and I am so happy to play a part in it, because just as we created history in the thirties with Social Security and in the sixties with Medicare, we will create history tonight in passing H.R. 3962.

Dr. King once asked the question, How long? Well, because of H.R. 3962, how long before all Americans have access to affordable and quality health care? Not long. How long before we end discrimination for preexisting conditions? Not long. How long before we ensure that no Americans fear bankruptcy or financial ruin due to illness? Not long. How long before we close the doughnut hole, helping all of our senior citizens? Not long. How long before we begin to control the escalating prices of insurance and health care? Not long. How long before all Americans, all of us, can have access to quality health care? Not long.

