Blackburn Leads Charge Against Crushing Regulation

Press Release

Date: Feb. 23, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) today noted the Environmental Protection Agency's decision to postpone economy killing regulation of carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act. In a letter to the Senate, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced that the EPA would delay imposition of carbon regulations from next month until sometime next year.

Representative Blackburn is author of legislation to block the EPA's ability to regulate carbon under the Clean Air Act. Her bill, H.R. 391, has 152 cosponsors and 123 members have signed a discharge petition to send the bill immediately to the House floor. In recent weeks, both Republicans and Democrats have become more active in expressing concern that the EPA's unilateral regulation might hurt the economy.

"However temporarily, the EPA seems to have come to their senses. They must realize that their carbon cap regulations would be a shock our economy simply couldn't sustain."

"America's energy future is best left in the hands of the Congress, not unaccountable bureaucrats and I remain concerned that the EPA has not totally abandoned their desire to impose these regulations. While their reprieve is a welcome one, I will continue to work for the passage of H.R. 391, removing the EPA's authority to impose this kind of regulation all together."
