Issue Position: Individual Liberty, Private Property and the 2nd Amendment

Issue Position

The right to keep private property was considered a fundamental right by our Founding Fathers. As a member of Congress, I will support efforts that allow states to limit eminent domain and will work to ensure that government cannot confiscate private property.

Along with Personal Property, the Founding Fathers also paid special attention to our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. As a long time supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I am proud of my consistent support for gun rights, and proud of my consistent A plus rating from the National Rifle Association.

As a member of Congress I will:

* Support efforts to protect property rights
* Oppose federal government efforts to expand "eminent domain"
* Oppose all efforts to ban guns, ammunition or any other type of anti-gun legislation.
* Support right to carry legislation
* Support efforts of state reciprocity with regard to carry and conceal
