Giannoulias Introduces New Energy Agenda

Press Release

Date: June 15, 2010
Location: Chicago, IL

As the Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill continues to ravage the Gulf Coast, on pace to become the worst environmental disaster in American history, U.S. Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulias today announced his New Energy Agenda - a series of proposals aimed at preventing future spills, improving safety standards, reducing America's dependence on fossil fuels, and jump-starting a clean energy economy that will create new jobs that can't be outsourced.

"Quite simply, what is happening along the Gulf Coast is the worst environmental disaster in our country's history, and Americans have every right to be angry and frustrated," Giannoulias said. "However, out of this frustration it is imperative that we act to hold those responsible for this disaster accountable, and to ensure that something like this never happens again."

Giannoulias' New Energy Agenda includes five central components: implementing safeguards to prevent future spills; ensuring BP pays for cleanup; reducing our dependence on foreign oil; creating a clean energy marketplace and reducing greenhouse emissions; and investing in businesses that will help create the clean energy economy of tomorrow.

Last week, Giannoulias picked up the endorsements of two of the most respected environmental organizations in the country: the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters. Giannoulias outlined his new proposals on a conference call today with Jack Darin, the Director of the Sierra Club's Illinois Chapter, who took issue with Congressman Mark Kirk's self-serving claims of standing up to BP.

"Congressman Kirk claims he 'stopped' BP from polluting Lake Michigan," Darin said. "Unfortunately, nobody 'stopped BP' from polluting our drinking water - Indiana ignored Kirk's protests and gave BP a permit for the pollution. Sure, he took a boat ride and held a press conference for the cameras, but in the end, big oil won. We won't end big oil's spills and air pollution until we make clean energy a priority in America, and Kirk opposes limiting BP's carbon pollution. By contrast, Alexi's proposals will lead us into the clean energy future, and hold BP accountable for its actions. He offers the type of leadership we can trust."

Throughout the campaign, Giannoulias has emphasized the need to promote clean energy jobs, both for their impact on our environment, and for their economic benefits.

"We can no longer afford not to invest in the clean energy economy of tomorrow," Giannoulias said. "These proposals will lead us to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels, and the corporate special interests that protect it. That is the clear choice in this election: between bold ideas and a promising future, or more of the same failed policies of the Bush Administration, which never failed to put Big Oil first."
