Job Creation Policy

Floor Speech

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: July 27, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. WALZ. Madam Speaker, perhaps my career as a public schoolteacher and having survived 20 years of the high school lunchroom makes me more optimistic than some of my colleagues in here--the idea of the trust that I have in our young people and in this country to overcome any adversities we see.

This weekend, I was out in Winona, Minnesota, at Peerless Chain Company, the number one producer of chain in this country, from tying down our jet fighters on aircraft carriers to providing the chains and the booms protecting the gulf coast. This is an American company who's standing with me in making sure that we get our provisions here, that don't extend long-range plans to outsource jobs, to allow people to take tax cuts to end jobs overseas but to keep them here in America. They were there also to focus on hiring veterans.

A company founded by Polish immigrants in 1917 who fought in World War I protecting American jobs, now we have the largest manufacturer of chain in North America, the fourth largest in the world, producing good American jobs by veterans and stamping those crates that go over to Asia with ``Made in America'' with a big American flag.

That's our job creation policy. That's what America can be, and that's what going forward means instead of turning back to disastrous policies that outsource those jobs.
