Statement by Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin on Introduction of Rep. Herger's Child Safety, Adoption, and Family Enhancement Act

Date: July 20, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

Statement by Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin on Introduction of Rep. Herger's Child Safety, Adoption, and Family Enhancement Act
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 11:15:00 AM

"Last year, I introduced the Child Protective Services Improvement Act, HR 1534, comprehensive legislation to improve the child welfare system, so I don't have any argument with those who say change is needed. However, reform should focus on the most pressing problems, while still maintaining the important protections within the current child welfare system. I regret to say that Rep. Herger's legislation fails this test, and I therefore cannot support it in its current form.

"The Herger legislation rightfully acknowledges the need for more resources to prevent the out-of-home placement of children. However, by capping federal foster care payments, it simultaneously threatens the safe haven needed when children must be removed from their homes. Even with its shortcomings, foster care is the safety net of last resort for our most vulnerable children, and I cannot see the wisdom in cutting a hole in that net.

"In addition, the Herger bill fails to: (1) adequately address shortcomings in the child welfare workforce (and it may add to the problem by replacing open-ended federal funding for training workers with a capped grant); (2) provide assistance to relatives acting as guardians for children who would otherwise be in foster care; and (3) ensure Medicaid coverage for children in the foster care system.

"I hope we can address these and other concerns prior to Congress considering the Herger bill. In this context, it is worth noting the recent recommendations from the Pew Commission do not include a cap on foster care maintenance payments, but they do include provisions on helping relatives become guardians, and on encouraging improvements in the child welfare workforce."
