Alexi on The Bill Press Show


Date: Sept. 1, 2010

This morning, Alexi had a great chat with radio host Bill Press about the issues that matter most in the election. You can hear the full interview below:

Bill: Listen as you move around to obviously, not just Chicago but downstate, upstate, around Illinois, what's on people's minds? What are the big issues you're dealing with?

Alexi: Jobs, jobs, jobs...

Bill: Really?

Alexi: And it doesn't matter whether you're on the south side of Chicago, whether you're in central Illinois, folks are scared and concerned and those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own because they've been shipped to China or because they've been, you know, fired and you have folks who actually have jobs who are so scared that they're gonna be next that they don't know what to do and it's a genuine concern. You know, Ed was around, we stood up and saved as State Treasurer a company that's been around for over a hundred years called Hart Schaffner Marx and make the President's suits. They're in Des Plaines, Illinois. Wells Fargo, which is a bank that got 25 billion dollars of tax payer money was gonna close them down. We stood up, we fought for them, not only do we keep that company in business, give them a chance to succeed because we told Wells Fargo they weren't gonna do business with the State of Illinois if they closed them down but because we gave them a shot to succeed, they were able to make it out. They're actually now hiring even more people. Not only are they still in business but they're hiring more people but the most profound thing I heard was a woman named Marina, who's been there over 50 years, over 50 years the same company and she told me early on during this battle that, you know, "we don't want a hand out or a bailout, we just want a job' and to see the middle class over the last 25-30 years get decimated, I think, takes away from what has always made this country so great and that's what I'm fighting for every single day.
