Labrador Backs Otter's Decision To Support Arizona's Illegal Immigration Court Battle Against The Federal Government

Press Release

Date: Sept. 4, 2010
Location: Boise, ID
Issues: Immigration

"I am in complete agreement with Gov. Otter's decision. It is a travesty the Obama administration is spending money fighting Arizona in court when it should be spending money fighting illegal immigration" says Raul Labrador

Republican congressional candidate Raul Labrador today signaled his support of Idaho Governor Butch Otter and Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden's decision to file a "friend of the court' brief with the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in support of Arizona's laws intended to fight illegal immigration in that state. Idaho now joins 10 other states which have also filed briefs in support of Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona Legislature.

In explaining his decision, Labrador said, "I am in complete agreement with Gov. Otter and Attorney General Wasden's decision. We have a growing problem of illegal immigration in this country that Congress and President Obama cannot continue to ignore. The solution to this problem is not filing suit against states that attempt to enforce existing federal laws regarding the identification and arrest of illegal immigrants and the solution is not amnesty."

"When elected to Congress I will push for enhanced border security through barriers, technology and the deployment of troops. The solution to this problem from the incumbent Democrat, Walt Minnick is amnesty. The people of Idaho deserve leadership on this issue in Washington and when elected to Congress I will be a part of the solution and not part of the problem."

Labrador concluded, "It is a travesty the Obama administration is spending money fighting Arizona in court when it should be spending money to fight illegal immigration. It is just another example of how out of touch the president and the Democrat Congress are with the American people."
