Kristi Noem Responds to Herseth Sandlin Comments on President Obama

Press Release

Date: Sept. 10, 2010
Location: Sioux Falls, SD

Kristi Noem, Republican candidate for South Dakota's lone congressional seat issued the following statement after Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin gave President Obama a "C" in an interview with ABC News.

"In giving President Obama a "C", Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin indicated the reason the grade is not lower is due to his work on our economy. I strongly disagree with that statement and the economic policies put forward by this Administration and supported by our incumbent congresswoman. The Obama - Pelosi - Herseth Sandlin agenda is pushing our state and our nation off a fiscal cliff. The jobless $787 billion stimulus plan, increasing debt, and the growth in government don't deserve a "C". They are failing policies that are keeping us off the path to recovery," said Noem.

Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin said in an interview aired on ABC News on September 9, 2010 said, "I think that I would give him you know in the C range overall because I think on some issues, especially navigating some tough economic waters he inherited, he's doing better than people are giving him credit for..."

Additionally, Noem stated, "My plan to restore economic growth for South Dakota and our country includes cutting spending, stopping the growth in government and giving our small businesses tax and regulatory certainty as they plan their future and decide on expanding or hiring new employees."

Finally, check out this new video of Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin clips from over the years on what she has said about President Obama and her party.
