Issue Position: Creating Jobs

Issue Position

Individual initiative and free enterprise will bring our economy back. Higher taxes and more regulations will slow down the recovery. The needless pork projects and the bailouts that the politicians tell us create jobs really just divert money from private sector job creators into government programs -- with all the waste that comes with them.

If elected, I will work to cut wasteful spending and get the government out of the way of small businesses and entrepreneurs who are ready and willing to take a chance and expand their business or turn their idea into a reality. This is how we will create jobs and turn our economy around.

I carried legislation in the State Legislature this past session that reduced overregulation of the wind energy that was preventing developers from investing in our state and creating jobs. By bringing land owners, developers and other interested groups to the table, we offered real solutions to job creation needs without raising taxes or overregulation. That is how we get our economy back on track.
