Blog: A True Fighter for Equality


Date: Sept. 27, 2010
Issues: Marriage

There is a sharp difference between Alexi and Mark Kirk when it comes to LGBT issues, and this weekend, the Daily Herald provided a must-read overview.

Kirk said he supports civil unions, opposes gay marriage and endorses the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal law that defines marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.

He had previously opposed a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
He was an original co-sponsor of hate crimes legislation now law and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Giannoulias said he'd fight to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. "While marriage as a religious institution should be governed by people's faith and the tenets of their religion, marriage as a civil institution should be governed by principles of fairness," he wrote.

He also noted that unmarried domestic partners "should be allowed the same benefits provided under the federal family and medical leave act as all other American families."

Giannoulias said no further review is needed of the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy.

"Men and women... should be asked only one question: Can they do the job?" he wrote.

The Human Rights Campaign -- which has supported Kirk several times in the past -- has endorsed Alexi in this campaign:

"Alexi Giannoulias is the progressive leader Illinois needs," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "He will be a strong advocate in the U.S. Senate to ensure that all of his constituents are accepted and welcomed as part of the American family."
