Issue Position: Social Security

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Senior Citizens

Social Security does more than ensure a dignified retirement for all working Americans. In the 1950s, President Eisenhower expanded the New Deal program to serve as a powerful safety net for Americans who become disabled or who lose a working family member to early death.

Today, over 9 million disabled Americans and their families rely on Social Security benefits to make ends meet as do nearly 6.5 million widowed families. In all, about 50 million Americans rely on Social Security benefits, including 4.8 million Californians, and 50,000 families in California's 31st Congressional District.

Social Security coverage is equivalent to a $476,000 life insurance policy and a $465,000 disability policy for a young worker with average earnings. A similar package of benefits is not available on the private insurance market for middle class American families.

Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Becerra spoke about the continued importance of Social Security at a community forum commemorating 75 years of Social Security, at Ricardo Lizarraga Elementary School in South Los Angeles on August 4, 2010:
