MSNBC "The Ed Show" - Transcript



REP. EARL BLUMENAUER (D), OREGON: Well, I think it was important that we heard the president talk about his framework, and hopefully not digging in on some of the specifics.

You are accurate, that there was deep concern in the Democratic Caucus. One of the issues that I put directly to Vice President Biden when he was with us is that if you can"t draw a line on things that the American public agrees with us on like the tax cuts for the most well off, for unemployment insurance, for the inheritance tax--these are things where an overwhelming majority of the American public agrees with us and, frankly, with what the president"s positions have been in the past--where are you going to draw a line in the future? Because this is just the opening salvo.

This is what we"re going to see for months to come. And this agreement, as it was unveiled to us, just kicks the can down the road for another two years and guarantees that we"ll be having hand-to-hand combat.

SCHULTZ: The president is determined to stand up for the middle class, and he is willing to negotiate this out for the next two years for the top two percent. And now former President Clinton, probably his strongest ally so far with some of the comments he made late this afternoon here at the White House, will that have an affect on some House Democrats, in your opinion?

BLUMENAUER: I think what"s going to make the most difference is what happens with the concerns that were raised, deep concerns about what happened with the inheritance tax. There are a number of other provisions that are important that we"ve talked about on this show before for green energy, protecting the economy of the future, that haven"t been able to work their way in.

I think it"s going to be the details, the reaction that"s going to make more of a difference. And I, for one, am perfectly willing to wait 48 hours, 72 hours, two more weeks. It"s important enough to try and get it right.

SCHULTZ: But if it"s December 31st, and you"re still in Washington, and the clock is getting ready to strike 12:00, how will you vote?

BLUMENAUER: Well, the form that it"s in now is not acceptable to me. Frankly, I actually think that it"s important because there are so many other things that are at stake here.

It"s not just the inheritance tax, it"s being able to preserve some semblance of health care reform. It"s dealing with what"s going to happen with the debt ceiling.

I mean, these are elements that we"re going to see flying at us. And to have an arbitrary deadline where, actually, the president has more leverage now than he"s going to have in six months or six weeks, I think it"s a mistake to just fold and accept it as is.

SCHULTZ: Congressman Blumenauer, good to have us with us on THE ED SHOW tonight. Thanks so much for staying with us.

