Expressing Sense of House Regarding Arizona Shooting

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 12, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BECERRA. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding.

To our friend and colleague, Gabby Giffords, to the victims and heroes in Tucson, and to all of their loved ones, our thoughts and prayers are with you. You have won our hearts with your courage and example in these difficult times. Gabby, knowing your ethic of hard work, your tenacity and determination, and knowing you as a fighter for what you believe in, I simply say to you: keep at it, don't stop. Fight, fight, fight. And we look forward to seeing you here and welcoming you here in your House, the people's House.

Times like these make it unmistakably clear how important second chances are. Not everyone in Tucson will have that second chance. How lucky we are that we can pick up the baton for them and finish the job of seeking justice and making our democracy a more perfect Union.

America, this is our second chance. This is our opportunity to shine. Let us make our work, whether here as duly sworn Representatives of the people or as the media or as responsible citizens of America, let us make our work count.

It is our turn to show courage and to be an example as we move forward, doing our part to build a better America. We owe that to Gabby and the good people of Arizona. Let's honor them by hitting that second chance out of the park.

