Blumenauer Statement on President's Budget


Date: Feb. 14, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Earl Blumenauer issued the following statement in response to the President's budget for fiscal year 2012:

"The President's budget is far better than the draconian, ideologically driven Republican fiscal proposals. The President clearly supports critical investments to rebuild and renew America, which would put millions to work revitalizing the economy and protecting the environment.

"Protecting, and indeed accelerating, the healthcare reform law is the single most important step to curb the deficit, since spiraling Medicare costs present the biggest long-term source of deficits.

"Given the intensely partisan and unrealistic budget debate, this budget is a reasonable first step in what will be a long, intense and difficult process. I will fight for long-term budget and tax reform, but will fight against massive, destructive, short-term cuts that will not deal with the long term deficit but will weaken the economy and harm our families."
