Fleming to Oppose Short Term Spending Bill

Press Release

Date: March 14, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John Fleming, M.D. announced today that, unless key changes are made to the bill, he will be voting against the three week spending bill anticipated to be taken up by the House later this week.

"It's time for this Congress to tackle the difficult issues and pass a spending bill that cuts spending, including Obamacare, and focuses on the priorities of the American people. As both a physician and Congressman, I will not in good conscience support another continuing resolution that does not defund some or all of Obamacare. In the November elections, the American people spoke loud and clear that they want their healthcare liberty back," said Congressman Fleming. "Republicans promised in the Pledge to America to, "...fight efforts to fund the costly new health care law.' I will do exactly that."

"Obamacare is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever enacted. With unemployment hovering around 9%, Obamacare will hurt job creation in America by imposing half a trillion dollars in tax increases on small businesses and families depriving them of healthcare liberty," said Congressman Fleming. "Republicans must now stand their ground and insist on defunding Obamacare with this "must pass' CR using it to stop the $105 billion in automatically appropriated funds. We can't let this monstrosity get any oxygen."

Congressman Fleming added, "If we do not act, Obamacare will be implemented on our watch. We must not let that happen."

Dr. John Fleming is Chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs and is a member of the House Armed Services Committee. He is a physician and small business owner and represents the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana.
