Department of Defense and Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011

Floor Speech

Date: April 7, 2011
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense


Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. Madam Speaker, while we stand here debating the course of our fiscal future, brave men and women are in harm's way, taking the fight to our enemies around the world. Their families here at home are doing all they can to keep a brave face and keep their family going while their loved ones are abroad.

Sadly, because of the Senate's inaction, these families now face an even greater challenge. Unless the Senate changes course and listens to the American people, our U.S. military families will soon not receive their paychecks. From my home State of Arkansas, we have over 5,000 active duty servicemembers as well as 246 Army National Guardsmen deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. My district is home to Little Rock Air Force Base, where we have 5,500 airmen and over 15,000 military family members.

Think about this, ladies and gentlemen: the men and women facing our enemies every day don't know whether they will get paid. As the standard bearer for the free world, it is unacceptable and, really, just embarrassing that America can't pay its troops for their service. This is not the time for servicemembers and their families to worry about when the next check will arrive.

I support this bill.

