Government Shutdown Avoided; Long Term Deal Reached


Date: April 8, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Just before midnight on Friday both chambers of Congress and the president reached an agreement which will fund the remainder of 2011's fiscal year. A short term Continuing Resolution of 4 or 5 days will allow time to put the agreement into legislative language.

Congressman Steve Womack released this statement shortly after the House passed the measure Friday night:

"Tonight, we have reached agreement on the biggest cuts in government spending in the history of this country and I join my colleagues in congratulating Speaker Boehner for his courageous and historic effort. Not only do we cut nearly $40 billion in 2011 spending, we will get up-or-down votes in the Senate on important issues like Planned Parenthood and Obamacare--so that Americans everywhere can discern who supports these very unpopular programs. Finally, we remove the cloud of uncertainty from the men and women of the armed forces who so unselfishly defend America. Now we can get back to work on the bigger issues facing our nation--the 2012 budget and the national debt which is nearing its statutory limit."
